If families arrange to have children not attend the center, tuition will not be credited. We ask that you notify us as Successful Starts’ budget is calculated monthly. State requirements as our own standards we base teacher/child ratios in those calculations.
The following symptoms will not be admissible until they are relieved for 24 hours with no medication:
- Fevers over 100.4 degrees
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Persistent coughing that is not progressing
- Contagious diseases (like chicken pox and pink eye)
- Rash (If child has a rash, a doctor’s note is needed for school)
- (See act of God policy for additional information)
If your child develops any of the symptoms while in our care, a parent will be notified and required to have the child picked up from the center to ensure the health of those around them. While waiting for them to be picked up, your child will be isolated from the public areas of the center.
For the protection of all children, parents agree to report to provider any illness to which a family member or child has been exposed. If you won’t be bringing your child on a certain day, please phone in their absence.
In the event of a medical emergency, Successful Starts will call 911 first, and then contact the parent.
Tuition payment is required for your sick days.
In the event of an emergency that requires the center to close, parents will be notified immediately tuition is not credited in cases of emergency closing per DCFS guidelines.
The school will follow all guidelines that are written by DCFS regarding illness, updated procedures for carrying out the daily expectations, and cleaning following health department policy.
See “plans and procedures 2020” Document for complete details on mandates and further modifications in policy.
If snowstorm or other environmental emergency’s cause it to be hazardous for your child to come or remain at school, parents are required to pick up child immediately. Successful Starts follows District 203 guidance.
If the school is not ordered to close then attendance is expected. Should you decide to keep your child home, full tuition is expected.
Mandated long-term closures directed by DCFS or State of Illinois, full tuition is due for the first four weeks. If closure is still warranted, ½ tuition will be owed so that the school is able to still cover its overhead expenses.
If Family determines it is in their best interest to keep their child home, they may forfeit their enrollment but knowing if they plan to return they will be welcomed if there is availability.
Full tuition is due on days the school is open unless otherwise noted or communicated with parent. Tuition is determined by the owner/director and at their discretion the above information could be revised.